April 12, 2024

Day 2 of creating a virtual piece of world history. Yesterday’s task was flying the drone across Camp Ferramonti and photographing the entire campsite. The guard area is well-preserved and will make for an authentic model that anyone will soon be able to explore and visit anywhere in the world.

We also filmed the remains of the old buildings where the inmates lived. Fortunately, some remnants of the old barracks, where the inmates resided, still exist. This gave us a great opportunity to gather real physical data on how the camp appeared decades ago. The barracks were overgrown, so Chris and Stefan had their work cut out for them as they measured it to create a properly scaled model.

I was fortunate enough to enter and scan the interior of a barrack, creating a model and floor plan that can provide us with a better understanding of its size and living spaces. Afterwards, I proceeded to the guard buildings and completed two interior models. Gunnhild and Jakob flew the drone across the fields where the barracks once stood to capture some amazing pictures of the memorial.

Overall, it was a highly successful day, and we cannot wait to share our progress with anyone interested in experiencing these interesting memories 🙌

Here are some pictures of the fantastic project so far and a sneak peek into what we have been working on.


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